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Author Topic: Possible Event in Indiana  (Read 23316 times)

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Offline MasterFoust

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Possible Event in Indiana
« on: September 18, 2007, 09:09:22 AM »
Hello all!  My name is Jonathan Foust and I am in charge of preparing a Pirate Festival for June of 2008 in Brookville, Indiana (Google it, we're right by Cincinnati). 

I am interested in getting an idea of how many pirates might show up for such an event if it were publicized and promoted.  What sort of events should be included in a Pirate Festival?  How many interested parties might be within driving distance of the event?

We are in the beginning stages of planning this event, so any input you might be able to offer would be appreciated!

Ahh!  You're a fine motley lot, to be sure. (i.e. Thanks!)
Jonathan "Old Crow" Foust
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Offline Rockman

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Re: Possible Event in Indiana
« Reply #1 on: September 18, 2007, 11:43:12 AM »
It might be worth your time to get in touch with Greg Hudson, of Weeping Heart Trading Co., & get some input from him.  He's close enough to you, to be considered local.  I'd bet he'd have some useful ideas.  Weeping Heart trading is a quality sutler, and Greg's had some experience in getting 18th c. events on a roll.  -Hope this is helpful..
Howdy there!  I'm Oedipus Tex! --You may have heard of my brother Rex....

Offline MasterFoust

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Re: Possible Event in Indiana
« Reply #2 on: September 20, 2007, 09:23:20 AM »
Thanks! ;D
Jonathan "Old Crow" Foust
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Offline michaelsbagley

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Re: Possible Event in Indiana
« Reply #3 on: October 27, 2007, 12:32:35 PM »
Hi there,

Just "found" this forum while I was doing some more or less random(ish) surfing...

Anyways, I am pretty new to pirate re-enacting (I see a few faces familiar from other forums), but I do have a complete set of garb ready (well shoes are a work in progress), but I would be VERY interested in an event that close. Most of the better pirate events are really far for me, and travelling has been challenging for me over the last year (too many "real world" setbacks). The only good pirate event near me was the "Pirates in Paynestown" event, and I couldn't make it to that because it conflicted with something else I was committed to.

Anyways, Brookville is a mere two and a half hours away from me (I'm in Columbus Ohio), so I am very interested in your event, what weekend in June were you aiming for?

As another suggestion, there is "River Raid" in Newport KY (just across the river from Cincy), it's in June (I think), but it is more "rennie" based, and doesn't really pander to re-enactors, although you might find some of the participants there may do rennie and re-enacting.... But River Raid is something to consider, just so as to try to avoid in advertantly splitting your audience by having your event the same weekend... Or if you aim your event to be after river raid (I think River Raid might be Father's Day weekend?), River Raid may be a good place to advertise your pirate event.

Offline MasterFoust

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Re: Possible Event in Indiana
« Reply #4 on: November 06, 2007, 10:53:52 AM »
Thanks for the info. 

As I get more detailed ideas on this one I'll post them here.  So far I have not heard much from anyone about attendance at this.  I'll give more details when they come.
Jonathan "Old Crow" Foust
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Offline michaelsbagley

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Re: Possible Event in Indiana
« Reply #5 on: November 06, 2007, 02:26:21 PM »
Your welcome for the help...

Some other considerations you may want to consider is the "Muster on the Maumee" (sp?), its a huge time line event in North Western Ohio, it is on Father's Day weekend. It could be an exellent opportunity for advertising for re-enactors, or just another event you would probably just want to avoid confliciting with. You would seriously be shooting yourself in the foot if you try to compete with that one. I just checked the calendar, and the River Raid Faire in Covington Kentucky was over Father's Day weekend for the last two years. So I think as long as you avoid Father's Day weekend, you should be good.

Another thing you may wish to do is contact the "Crewe of the Archangel". I have seen a few members on this forum (Cheeky Actress, and I think I saw Sterling here as well, Sterling is the Captain of the Archangels). The Archangel Crewe have members all over the place, but in my observations, the greatest concentration of members seems to be in Illinois, and Southern Wisconsin, which could make your possible event a reasonable commute for many of that group's members. That is of course if they don't already have anything going on aroiund that time, they are a fairly prolific group and seem to be very active and busy.

I have been working at networking with Ohio area pirate enthusiasts, trying to get a group going (or even a collection of like mided individuals). I have a couple of people interested, and an event that close could really help put a focus to this potentiality and help make it a reality.

Regardsless, I hope my ramblings have helped, and if there is anything I can do to help get this event off the ground, please let me know. I am looking forward to more information as it becomes available.


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Re: Possible Event in Indiana
« Reply #6 on: November 06, 2007, 03:07:16 PM »
Aye the Crewe of the Archangel would be interested... but just a word of caution... there is the Blackbeard's Festival down in VA the first weekend in June and I believe Port Washington's Pirate Festival is already scheduled for the weekend of June 8... just to let you know.

Offline Dr. Wolfenstein

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Re: Possible Event in Indiana
« Reply #7 on: February 24, 2008, 01:27:26 AM »
This event sounds great! Count me and my wife in. I could probably get a few friends to attend this one as well.

Offline Sir Walter Raleigh

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Re: Possible Event in Indiana
« Reply #8 on: November 06, 2008, 03:38:38 PM »
This is Adam Fivush (Chairman of the Fishers Renaissance Faire).
Nice to meet all of you.  For the past 4 years, The Hey Nonny Nonny Players (Pirates of the LunaSea) have been performing at the Fishers Faire and some other venues.  We would love the opportunity to expand to some other one weekend faires.  We do a comedy/swashbuckling show (the show culminates with a  3 on 3 sword fight )  We are one of the most popular shows (#3) at the faire (next to the Joust and Rogue Blades).  If you are interested in having us at your faire, let us know (we'd love to help). 

Also, having been in charge of this faire (11,000+ in one weekend) for a number of years, I might have some pointers or be able to help you in some way.  We rennies/reenactors have to stick together!

Send me a private email or reply here.

aka Sir Walter Raleigh (fishers renfaire)