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Author Topic: Forming New Regiment.  (Read 27169 times)

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Forming New Regiment.
« on: April 15, 2007, 11:46:38 PM »
Hello Chums,

This is of interest to all, but mainly for those members in the California area.

Due to the lack of British WW.1 reenactment units on the west coast, I'm forming a British Regiment for (initially) the California area. The regiment will take up the 'Kings Shilling' in the guise and representation of The 2nd Battalion:The Lancashire Fusiliers..

Regimental Regulations and S-O-P's, under the guidence of Kings Regulations- 1912.. are being drawn up in preparation of Regimental forming, which is forcast for the first quarter of 2008 (earlier if intrest dictates).

Names of interested individuals please contact me at:

Happy reenacting.

« Last Edit: April 17, 2007, 01:59:18 PM by Findabetterole »

Offline bugleboy1942

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Re: Forming New Regiment.
« Reply #1 on: April 26, 2007, 09:17:25 PM »
Hello, I live in Long Beach. I"m interested, but would you take a 12 year old to do an underaged soldier impression? I would be a medic or something and not carry a gun. I would get parental permission.
Bugler Alex Levine
116th Pennsylvania Volunteer Infantry
Union Army of the Potomac
Civil War

reenactor.Net, THE Online, Worldwide Home of Living History

Re: Forming New Regiment.
« Reply #1 on: April 26, 2007, 09:17:25 PM »
Lost Battalions (P)


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Re: Forming New Regiment.
« Reply #2 on: May 04, 2007, 01:26:01 AM »
Hello Alex,

As long as your genuinely interested, keen as mustard and willing to get down and dirty with the rest of the regiment... you've just as much chance of being selected as anyone else.

There were many young lads of school age who made their way to the local recruiting centres, only to stand in shock at recognising the local 'Bobby' (Police Constable) dressed in military uniform and standing by the recruiting officer. Many of those young lads were turned away initially, but told as they were going out of the door....  "come back in a half hour when your '18'!"

I think the impression of a regimental 'Medic' would be a superb idea.

This is what I would like you to do...
                                                 I presume that you have already talked the idea over with your parents. So, would you please have either Mum or Dad contact me on my email:
I can then give them my telephone details, and have a chat over what your regimental uniform would consist off. Please have your parents title the subject of their email as: Regimental Medic.

So..  until I hear from either yourself or your Mum/Dad....  Well Done, carry on Fusilier! 

Seph   :D
« Last Edit: May 04, 2007, 01:28:26 AM by Findabetterole »

Offline bugleboy1942

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Re: Forming New Regiment.
« Reply #3 on: May 05, 2007, 12:32:40 PM »
This is going to be hard to choose. I have contacted an Austro-Hungarian group, an American group (both in GWHS), and you! I don't know how to choose, I guess if I get enough money I could do 2 and my civil wr group because I'm not buying anything for it anymore..............anyway, one of my parents will contact you as soon as they can.
Bugler Alex Levine
116th Pennsylvania Volunteer Infantry
Union Army of the Potomac
Civil War


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Re: Forming New Regiment.
« Reply #4 on: May 10, 2007, 02:40:04 PM »

As of this date/time, I have seven individuals who have shown an interest in taking up the 'King's Shilling' to join the 2nd Battalion, The Lancashire Fusiuliers. The requirements of joining the 'GWHS' are that a unit requires a compliment of eight or more ranks. I would like to approach the 'GWHA' to say that the 2nd Battalion, The Lancashire Fusiliers meets that criteria.

There is a long road ahead in order for the regt to be recognised officially, but with a core of dedicated individuals...  WE CAN DO IT.

The 2nd Battalion, The Lancashire Fusiliers will be a unit of dedicated, professional individuals, who mean to show in their impression, that we honour historically ans acurately..... those who's uniform and Cap Badge we wear, and who's lifestyle we portray.

... 'At the going down of the sun, and in the morning... WE WILL REMEMBER THEM!'

Names of all interested individuals, please contact me via my email address =

« Last Edit: May 10, 2007, 03:01:40 PM by Findabetterole »


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Re: Forming New Regiment.
« Reply #5 on: June 02, 2007, 02:04:20 AM »
UPDATE: 1st June 2007.
The forming of the 2/LF is brought forward to the above date; this has been desided due to the interest obtained.

The 2nd Battalion, The Lancashire Fusiliers will be a unit of dedicated, professional individuals, who mean to show in their impression, that we honour historically and acurately..... those who's uniform and Cap Badge we wear, and who's lifestyle we portray.

Names of interested individuals please contact me at:

... 'At the going down of the sun, and in the morning... WE WILL REMEMBER THEM!'
« Last Edit: June 02, 2007, 02:08:01 AM by Findabetterole »

Offline Oskar_2ndChev

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Re: Forming New Regiment.
« Reply #6 on: June 04, 2007, 07:53:57 PM »
You may want to shoot for Marching Through History in October as your first event. Even if it's one or two people, that's major reinforcements for Allies. Please keep me posted with your progress!

Feel free to email me at: coh9us at earthlink dot net (I've spelled it out to deter spammers). Take care!

Adam Lid
aka Oskar Landschultz/Matthew Hawkins
3rd Squadron, 2nd Chevauleger
Co. H, 2nd US Cavalry


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Re: Forming New Regiment.
« Reply #7 on: October 19, 2007, 03:33:05 PM »
UPDATE: 19th October 2007.

As of this date, including myself, the 2nd Battalion Lancashire Fusiliers has '4' dedicated members who are actively getting kit and uniform together. There are another 27 interested individuals, but out of those I am certain that another '4' will take up the 'King's Shilling'. We will meet the public for the first time as an operational WW.1 reenactment/living history group.. in April 2008 at the timeline event: 'History of Heroes'... here in Bakersfield, California.

On 8th August 2014, the 'War to end ALL wars', World War One, will see its centenary. It is anticipated that Europe will be holding some very moving, sentimental and heart rending rememberance celebrations. Myself and present 2/LF members are in great anticipation of being there to be a part of this once in a lifetime experance. How about joining us and have fun doing so? Interested individuals are requested to contact me in the first instance at:

... 'At the going down of the sun, and in the morning... WE WILL REMEMBER THEM!'

« Last Edit: October 19, 2007, 03:36:41 PM by Findabetterole »


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Re: Forming New Regiment.
« Reply #8 on: December 15, 2007, 02:56:59 PM »
UPDATE: 15th December 2007.
Hello everyone! Things are moving smoothly ahead with the regiment, and we have great expectations for 2008. We are now '5' dedicated members, of various financial means, actively putting our impression together.

Nagotiations have been taking place, and are near completion for a permanant location to develope a WW.1 trench system.

Will you be there to experiance this unique opportunity? Will you be one of those individuals standing upon the sidelines... watching units like mine enjoying ourselves, getting 'down-n-dirty', learning about The Great War period first hand, and making new friends in the process?

We are just below our target for this year-2007 to have an infantry half section = '7' ranks. Our goal for 2008 is a full infantry section = '14' ranks and an MG (machine gun) team of '5' ranks, thus a total of '19' ranks.

As a unit, we police ourselves by honouring the contempary regulations of the period = Kings Regulations and Orders for the Army: 1912, + any and all connected contempary MOD (Ministry of Defence) and MOD approved documents and pamphlettes. Apart from the aforementioned 'KR's, all we ask of you is the following:
1) You are willing to have a great time, make new friends and have fun whilst doing so.
2) You agree to abide by and honour the above 'KR's.
3) You agree to (whilst in uniform) maintain a period appearance for haircut, and no facial hair other than upon the top lip..  trimmed as contempary to period.
4) You agree to portray a WW.1 member of the 2nd Battalion Lancashire Fusiliers in total contempary.
5) You make a concerted effort to put together in your first year (date to start from enlistment) the basic LF uniform.
6) You agree to abibe by the rulings of your superiors within the regiment = Officers & Nco's.
The above '6' requests are none-negotiable, and together with our regimental SOP's (Standing Operational Procedures) form the basis of our regiments Rules and Regulations. 

We think that the above requests are fair, and with '5' active members since our forming of May 2007... we must have got it right. If you think as we do, are looking for a reenactment/living history group that is going places... look no further. We will be waiting to hear from you. For those who like what they have read so far, and wish to know more, please make your initial enquiry to me at the following email address:

UPDATE: 16th December 2007

As a direct result of yesterdays post.... we are now '6' in number, just '1' rank short of this years target due to another dedicated individual accepting 'The King's Shilling!'

... 'At the going down of the sun, and in the morning... WE WILL REMEMBER THEM!'

« Last Edit: April 02, 2008, 01:02:31 PM by Findabetterole »


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Re: Forming New Regiment.
« Reply #9 on: April 02, 2008, 01:01:51 PM »
UPDATE: 2nd APRIL 2008

The 2nd Battalion Lancashire Fusiliers is growing stronger! We also now have a regular trench site. See us on the following website:
Upon the home-page, click upon the word 'Units' (found on the left of the page) then click upon the 'Union Jack' flag. Scroll down to the third Union Jack flag and click upon the battalion name beneath.... your now viewing the 2nd Battalion Lancashire Fusiliers.

As you'll notice, the battalion website is undergoing construction, but please do not let that deter you. Don't miss out...  contact me... 'TODAY!'

... 'At the going down of the sun, and in the morning... WE WILL REMEMBER THEM!'

« Last Edit: April 02, 2008, 01:06:46 PM by Findabetterole »

reenactor.Net, THE Online, Worldwide Home of Living History

Re: Forming New Regiment.
« Reply #9 on: April 02, 2008, 01:01:51 PM »
Lost Battalions (P)