Last week was Memorial Day. For over 18 years I have done many local parades and ceremony here in the Erie area. This year our Wattsburg ,Pa one was very sad for me due to many members not wishing to take a few hours out of their morning to remember all who gave their lives defending our country and us. I should be greatful for the 3 men who came and our Ladies Aux that came in military attire. We had a WAC ,WAVE and Red Cross. My jeep is always part of the parades which the girls rode in.With 20 militray members on paper we should have had a far better turnout.
I feel this goes beyond us reenactors. The public is getting smaller too to watch the parade and be part of the ceremony at the vet memorial in the graveyard.
I saw so many younger generations sitting far away not listening or caring about what was being said by the living veterans form WW 2 , Korea and Nam. Theses were the High School Band kids. Just another day to talk on the phone and text each other. I feel in a few years their will be almost nobody attending Memorial Day functions. Just Vets and folks like us that care( if they have time).
I will continue to always attend and help out the Vets whenever I can. My vacation is far more important to me to be used to Thank our Denfenders of Freedom whenever I can.
I hope to get more folks in the squad in the 4th of July Parade and Veteran's Day Parade.
What things did you all do for Memorial Day. How many folks in your unit came out to help. Always looking for ideas to get more folks to come out also.