I'm looking for WWII re-enactors, especially those
who portay WWII Airborne members of the 101st
or the 82nd to take part in a special one day event.
Here are some details about the "Flight Into History,"
with 92 year old WWII 101st veteran Jake McNiece I'm
organizing as well as a few photos of the plane we'll
be using, as well as of Jake.
Clips of the ADT C-47 we're looking to use for this flight -
Boogie Baby coming in for a landing -
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0-AZKO32Pxo Boogie Baby making a low pass -
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p6FW4HJnhSY Jake McNiece -
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Filthy_Thirteen http://americanveteranscenter.wordpress.com/2009/01/16/157/ Videos of Jake talking about himself -
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-XbA8_7n_K8 This event/flight will take place on morning of June 10th,
2011, at the Grove Oklahoma Municipal airport. Cost for a
ride on a flight with jake as your host, which should last
about 20 minutes, along with a signed/dedicated copy of
Jake's book, 'The Filthy Thirteen,' is $150.00.
For those not wishing to take the flight, Jake will also be
available to answer questions and sign/dedicate copies
of his book separately for $20.00 (soft cover) and $30.00
(hard cover).
I'm also hoping to be able to have a second aircraft, a 1942
vintage Taylorcraft, two place light observation aircraft, which
is also painted up as all the aircraft which took part in the
D-Day Invasion were. This particular aircraft didn't take part
in the invasion, but others of this same type were used to
help spot enemy gun emplacements, etc.
Finally, any re-enactors who would also like to display their
gear, vehicles and uniforms are also invited to join us after
the flight at the Annual Oklahoma D-Day Event. This event
draws over 3,000 participants as well as hundreds of visitors.
While not a true re-enactment, the event does offer a great
opportunity for re-enactors to promote their activities.
For more details about either the flight, or the D-DAY event
please contact me by calling 407/563-3884 or via E-mail C/O
Andrew Van Der Plaats - adorsai@aol.com